Watch what happens when Vogue and other fashion magazines start showing us their version of outdoor gear--I'm watching closely, as I'm liking what I see!
I don't mean specialized clothing, like skiing or climbing; I am talking about the everyday clothes for simply being out in the elements. Fashion labels not normally known for outdoorsy looks are producing some beautiful clothes that look more appropriate for the countryside than the streets of fashion capitals.
The price might be just as steep (or steeper) than specialty gear, and in its own way outdoor clothing is specialized--to keep you warm and dry, to provide pockets for binocs or a field guide, maybe even to identify you in your activity (and your income bracket!).
And now, traditional outdoor brands like Filson and Holland and Holland are FINALLY taking a page from fashion insiders and creating edgier, more wearable (less bulky) women's coats and jackets that are beautiful and functional.
Filson hired former Marc Jacobs executive Aude Tabet to develop and expand their women's ready to wear collection. As a Filson fan for over 15 years, I've been underwhelmed by their women's attire, and even less by the fact that the fit is so behemoth--to call yourself a "Filson woman" conjurs up an image of a a striding battle ax rather than a woodland pixie, simply for how large all the sizes ran.
I'm happy to report Tabet's impact has been immediate, and I am rubbing my hands together (and saving my pennies) to afford this luscious Mack Tin Cruiser:
Filson Women's Mack Tin Cruiser
Over at English label Holland and Holland, producer of "country" clothing (what they call "outdoors" in the the old country), they've invited model and fashion icon Stella Tennant and her friend Isabella Cawder to design an over-the-top luxurious outdoor collection to add glamour (and a healthy dose of fur) to the tweed and knit looks it is known for.
Stella Tennant in a Coyote Fur hood she designed for Holland and Holland, A/W 2016.
While we're here, I'll share some more of my favorite looks from brands doing right by the outdoors, and keeping us looking good while also keeping us warm, dry and doing our beloved time in nature.
Parajumpers Gobi jacket with raccoon and rabbit fur lined hood. I am not a fan of fur but I love the look of this jacket.
Perfect Moment sweatshirt. I love irreverent sweatshirts.
Rag and Bone Banx pants, inspired by motocross but translatable anywhere outdoors. These are what you see the models wearing in the top photo of this post.
Joie Skinny cargos. I live in pants like these.
Le Chameau wool-lined boots--WOW, warm and cozy! These boots have the best tread in the biz for miles of walking. Trust me, I own two pairs.
Stella McCartney Desert Boots for drier climes at wintertime.
By the way, I just love what I see and enjoy sharing the ideas here on this particular post. This post is compensation-free!
You might like more suggestions for gear and clothing for a day of birding: Please visit my Birding Plumage page for more inspiration!