Bryony Angell

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Birding Tours for Women Only: a New Trend in Birding Travel

Members of the Female Birders Flocking to Colombia birding tour outside Cartagena, December, 2019.

The October ‘22 issue of American Birding Association’s Birding magazine features my article about the emergence of demographic-specific birding trips and how they’re opening up a safe space for new participants. Sisterhood of the Traveling Birders: Birding Tours For Women is about all-women, organized birding travel, and includes the voices of birder peers who take these trips, industry experts, and professional guides. These contributors provide convincing testimony for why demographic-specific birding trips are worth talking about and planning.

I share my own observations as a media participant on the Dec. 2019 inaugural “Female Birders Flocking to Colombia” tour, a guest of Nature Colombia and ProColombia. It is the additional voices populating this story which give it weight and relevance beyond anything I could provide as one person going on one trip, however.

Read on to learn how travel with sister birders can provide a very different birding experience from that of a mixed-gender tour, and provide a new baseline for organized birding travel.