Bryony Angell

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New Year, New Assignment!

Peregrine falcon. Image: Mike Hamilton

Ah, the process! How does one thing lead to something else? Where does opportunity come from, or do we create the opportunity ourselves? 

I'm very much of the "roll up your own damn sleeves" camp for making things happen, although occasionally, something will fall in my lap which I would be an idiot to ignore. Such was the case--in a round about way--with this most recent writing opportunity for Seattle Audubon Society (SAS). 

First, I'm a long-time volunteer and member of SAS, with over a decade of citizen science hours under my belt (that's counting bird species each month around city parks). Second, I recently joined the executive board, where my awareness became greater for the organization's needs. And third, I noticed the SAS website did not have a blog. So I offered to write it. And the ED said, "Yes!" (Small disclaimer; I'd been recruited to the board partly because of this here blog, so am not exactly an unknown quantity!)

The ED and I sat down and planned an editorial calendar, based on firing up the current audience, sharing the work of the organization and attracting new membership, all the while with the focus on birds, birds, birds. My goodness, this assignment was a dream come true to me--promoting the very same stuff of this blog but with real heft of an organization's results behind the content! Thank you, SAS!

See for yourself the launched blog on the SAS site, and look forward to a post every two weeks! I'll be there for the foreseeable future, sharing stories of fellow members, staff and programs of the the organization.